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Henry Yakushev
Henry Yakushev

Download the Ashrae Handbook 2009 Pdf for Free and Learn from the Experts

- What are the main features and contents of the 2009 edition - How to download the PDF version for free H2: Principles - Psychrometrics - Thermodynamics and Refrigeration Cycles - Fluid Flow - Heat Transfer - Two-Phase Flow - Mass Transfer - Fundamentals of Control - Sound and Vibration H2: Indoor Environmental Quality - Thermal Comfort - Indoor Environmental Health - Air Contaminants - Odors - Indoor Environmental Modeling H2: Load and Energy Calculations - Climatic Design Information - Fenestration - Ventilation and Infiltration - Residential Cooling and Heating Load Calculations - Nonresidential Cooling and Heating Load Calculations - Energy Estimating and Modeling Methods H2: HVAC Design - Space Air Diffusion - Duct Design - Pipe Sizing - Insulation for Mechanical Systems - Airflow around Buildings H2: Building Envelope - Heat, Air, and Moisture Control in Building Assemblies - Fundamentals - Heat, Air, and Moisture Control in Building Assemblies - Material Properties - Heat, Air, and Moisture Control in Building Assemblies - Examples H2: Materials - Combustion and Fuels - Refrigerants - Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants - Physical Properties of Secondary Coolants (Brines) - Sorbents and Desiccants - Physical Properties of Materials H2: General - Energy Resources - Sustainability - Measurement and Instruments - Abbreviations and Symbols H3: Units and Conversions H3: Codes and Standards H3: Additions and Corrections H3: Composite Index H3: Comment Page H1: Conclusion - Summary of the main points and benefits of the Ashrae Handbook 2009 edition - Call to action to download the PDF version for free H1: FAQs # Article with HTML Formatting Introduction

If you are a professional in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) industry, you probably know about the Ashrae Handbook. It is a comprehensive reference that covers basic principles and data used in the HVAC&R field. It is updated every four years with research sponsored by ASHRAE and others.

Ashrae Handbook 2009 Pdf Free Download

The 2009 edition of the Ashrae Handbook is titled "Fundamentals". It includes 1,000 pages and 39 chapters that cover general engineering information, basic materials, climate data, load and energy calculations, duct and pipe design, sustainability, and more. It also provides reference tables for abbreviations and symbols, I-P to SI conversions, and physical properties of materials.

The Ashrae Handbook is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the science and technology of HVAC&R. It can help you design, operate, maintain, and optimize HVAC&R systems for various applications. It can also help you prepare for certification exams or professional development courses.

If you want to access the Ashrae Handbook 2009 edition online, you can download the PDF version for free from various sources. In this article, we will show you how to do that step by step. We will also give you an overview of the main topics covered in each chapter of the handbook.


The first section of the Ashrae Handbook 2009 edition covers the fundamental principles of HVAC&R engineering. It includes eight chapters that explain the concepts and equations related to psychrometrics, thermodynamics, fluid flow, heat transfer, two-phase flow, mass transfer, control, and sound and vibration. Here are some of the key points from each chapter:

  • Psychrometrics: This chapter defines the properties and processes of moist air, such as dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, relative humidity, dew point, enthalpy, specific volume, and humidity ratio. It also provides psychrometric charts and tables for various atmospheric pressures and altitudes.

  • Thermodynamics and Refrigeration Cycles: This chapter reviews the laws of thermodynamics and their applications to HVAC&R systems. It also describes the basic refrigeration cycle and its components, such as compressors, condensers, evaporators, and expansion devices. It also discusses the performance and efficiency of various types of refrigeration cycles, such as vapor-compression, absorption, ejector, and thermoelectric.

  • Fluid Flow: This chapter covers the principles of fluid mechanics and their relevance to HVAC&R systems. It explains the concepts of pressure, density, viscosity, flow rate, velocity, head loss, friction factor, Reynolds number, and Bernoulli's equation. It also provides methods and data for calculating the pressure drop and flow distribution in pipes, ducts, fittings, valves, and fans.

  • Heat Transfer: This chapter introduces the modes and mechanisms of heat transfer, such as conduction, convection, radiation, and phase change. It also provides formulas and correlations for estimating the heat transfer coefficients and rates for various geometries and conditions. It also discusses the thermal resistance and capacitance of materials and systems.

  • Two-Phase Flow: This chapter deals with the flow of mixtures of liquid and vapor phases in HVAC&R systems. It explains the concepts of quality, void fraction, slip ratio, pressure drop, flow regimes, and flow patterns. It also provides methods and data for predicting the two-phase flow behavior and characteristics in pipes, ducts, heat exchangers, and refrigeration components.

  • Mass Transfer: This chapter covers the principles of mass transfer and their applications to HVAC&R systems. It defines the terms of diffusion, convection, mass flux, mass transfer coefficient, driving force, and equilibrium. It also provides methods and data for calculating the mass transfer rates and efficiencies for various processes and devices, such as humidification, dehumidification, absorption, adsorption, desiccant cooling, and membrane separation.

  • Fundamentals of Control: This chapter explains the basics of control theory and practice for HVAC&R systems. It describes the elements and functions of control systems, such as sensors, actuators, controllers, and communication networks. It also discusses the types and methods of control strategies, such as on-off, proportional, integral, derivative, and adaptive. It also provides examples and guidelines for designing and tuning control systems for various HVAC&R applications.

  • Sound and Vibration: This chapter covers the fundamentals of sound and vibration and their effects on HVAC&R systems. It defines the terms and units of sound and vibration, such as frequency, wavelength, amplitude, sound pressure level, sound power level, sound intensity level, decibel, octave band, and vibration displacement, velocity, and acceleration. It also provides methods and data for measuring and analyzing the sound and vibration sources and paths in HVAC&R systems. It also discusses the techniques and materials for reducing and controlling the sound and vibration levels in HVAC&R systems.

Indoor Environmental Quality

The second section of the Ashrae Handbook 2009 edition covers the aspects of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) that affect the health, comfort, and productivity of building occupants. It includes five chapters that address the topics of thermal comfort, indoor environmental health, air contaminants, odors, and indoor environmental modeling. Here are some of the key points from each chapter:

  • Thermal Comfort: This chapter defines thermal comfort as the condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment. It explains the factors that influence thermal comfort, such as air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air velocity, humidity, metabolic rate, and clothing insulation. It also provides methods and standards for assessing and achieving thermal comfort conditions for various occupant groups and activities.

  • Indoor Environmental Health: This chapter covers the health effects of indoor environmental factors on building occupants. It reviews the epidemiology and etiology of various indoor-related diseases and disorders, such as asthma, allergies, infections, cancers, and cardiovascular diseases. It also provides guidance and standards for preventing and controlling indoor environmental health hazards, such as ventilation, filtration, air cleaning, source control, and exposure assessment.

  • Air Contaminants: This chapter identifies and characterizes the major types and sources of air contaminants in indoor environments, such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, radon, asbestos, lead, and tobacco smoke. It also provides methods and data for measuring and evaluating the concentrations and effects of air contaminants on indoor air quality and health. It also discusses the strategies and technologies for reducing and removing air contaminants from indoor environments.

  • Odors: This chapter defines odors as the perception of smell by humans in response to volatile chemicals in the air. It explains the factors that influence odor perception, such as odorant concentration, intensity, quality, hedonic tone, and adaptation. It also provides methods and data for assessing and quantifying odors in indoor environments. It also reviews the sources and impacts of odors on indoor air quality and health. It also suggests the approaches and techniques for controlling and eliminating odors from indoor environments.

  • Indoor Environmental Modeling: This chapter describes the use of mathematical models to simulate and predict the physical and chemical processes that affect indoor air quality. It explains the types and components of indoor environmental models, such as mass balance models, computational fluid dynamics models, multizone models, and exposure models. It also provides examples and applications of indoor environmental modeling for various purposes and scenarios, such as design optimization, performance evaluation, risk assessment, and policy analysis.

Load and Energy Calculations

The third section of the Ashrae Handbook 2009 edition covers the methods and data for estimating the heating and cooling loads and energy consumption of HVAC&R systems. It includes six chapters that address the topics of climatic design information, fenestration, ventilation and infiltration, residential cooling and heating load calculations, nonresidential cooling and heating load calculations, and energy estimating and modeling methods. Here are some of the key points from each chapter:

  • Climatic Design Information: This chapter provides climatic data for 5564 locations around the world, including dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, solar radiation, precipitation, and degree-days. It also provides methods and examples for using the climatic data for various design purposes, such as heating and cooling load calculations, energy analysis, thermal comfort assessment, and passive solar design.

  • Fenestration: This chapter covers the principles and properties of fenestration systems, such as windows, skylights, doors, curtains, and blinds. It explains the concepts and parameters of heat transfer and solar radiation through fenestration systems, such as U-factor, solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), visible transmittance (VT), air leakage rate (AL), shading coefficient (SC), and shading devices. It also provides methods and data for calculating and measuring the thermal and optical performance of fenestration systems.

  • Ventilation and Infiltration: This chapter covers the principles and practices of ventilation and infiltration in buildings. It defines ventilation as the intentional introduction of outdoor air into a space and infiltration as the unintentional or accidental introduction of outdoor air into a space through cracks and openings in the building envelope. It explains the factors that affect ventilation and infiltration rates, such as outdoor air quality, indoor air quality, occupant preferences, building design, operation, and maintenance. It also provides methods and standards for calculating and measuring ventilation and infiltration rates and their impacts on indoor air quality and energy consumption. It also discusses the strategies and technologies for optimizing ventilation and infiltration for various purposes and scenarios, such as natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation, hybrid ventilation, demand-controlled ventilation, and air sealing.

  • Residential Cooling and Heating Load Calculations: This chapter covers the methods and data for estimating the cooling and heating loads of residential buildings. It defines cooling and heating loads as the rates of heat transfer from or to a space to maintain the desired indoor conditions. It explains the sources and components of cooling and heating loads, such as sensible heat gain or loss, latent heat gain or loss, internal heat gain, solar heat gain, transmission heat gain or loss, and ventilation heat gain or loss. It also provides methods and examples for calculating cooling and heating loads using various approaches, such as heat balance method, radiant time series method, transfer function method, cooling load temperature difference method, and simplified methods.

  • Nonresidential Cooling and Heating Load Calculations: This chapter covers the methods and data for estimating the cooling and heating loads of nonresidential buildings. It follows the same structure and content as the previous chapter but with more details and complexity to account for the diversity and variability of nonresidential buildings. It also provides methods and examples for calculating cooling and heating loads using various software tools, such as EnergyPlus, eQUEST, TRACE 700, HAP, IES VE, DesignBuilder, and DOE-2.

  • Energy Estimating and Modeling Methods: This chapter covers the methods and data for estimating and modeling the energy consumption of HVAC&R systems. It defines energy consumption as the amount of energy used by a system to provide the desired indoor conditions. It explains the factors that influence energy consumption, such as system design, operation, control, maintenance, weather, occupancy, schedule, load profile, equipment efficiency, energy prices, and utility incentives. It also provides methods and examples for estimating and modeling energy consumption using various approaches, such as bin method, degree-day method, simulation method, benchmarking method, and measurement and verification method.

HVAC Design

The fourth section of the Ashrae Handbook 2009 edition covers the methods and data for designing and sizing the main components and systems of HVAC&R systems. It includes five chapters that address the topics of space air diffusion, duct design, pipe sizing, insulation for mechanical systems, and airflow around buildings. Here are some of the key points from each chapter:

  • Space Air Diffusion: This chapter covers the principles and practices of space air diffusion, which is the process of distributing conditioned air within a space to achieve thermal comfort and indoor air quality. It explains the factors that affect space air diffusion, such as supply air properties, air terminal devices, room geometry, furniture layout, heat sources, and occupant preferences. It also provides methods and data for designing and selecting air terminal devices, such as diffusers, grilles, registers, nozzles, induction units, and fan-coil units.

  • Duct Design: This chapter covers the principles and practices of duct design, which is the process of designing and sizing the ductwork that conveys air from a central fan to various spaces in a building. It explains the factors that affect duct design, such as airflow rate, pressure drop, noise level, space limitation, material selection, installation cost, and energy efficiency. It also provides methods and data for designing and sizing ductwork systems, such as equal friction method, static regain method, velocity reduction method, constant velocity method, T-method, fan total pressure method, and duct fitting database method.

  • Pipe Sizing: This chapter covers the principles and practices of pipe sizing for HVAC systems, which is the process of designing and sizing the piping that conveys fluids such as water, refrigerant, steam, and gas in HVAC systems. It explains the factors that affect pipe sizing, such as fluid properties, flow rate, pressure drop, velocity, friction factor, and pipe material. It also provides methods and data for designing and sizing piping systems, such as Darcy-Weisbach equation, Hazen-Williams equation, Colebrook equation, Moody diagram, and pipe sizing tables.

  • Insulation for Mechanical Systems: This chapter covers the principles and practices of insulation for mechanical systems, which is the process of applying insulating materials to pipes, ducts, tanks, and equipment to reduce heat transfer and energy loss. It explains the factors that affect insulation performance, such as thermal conductivity, thickness, surface temperature, ambient temperature, emissivity, and moisture. It also provides methods and data for selecting and installing insulation materials, such as fiberglass, mineral wool, cellular glass, polyurethane foam, elastomeric foam, and calcium silicate.

  • Airflow around Buildings: This chapter covers the principles and practices of airflow around buildings, which is the process of analyzing and predicting the effects of wind on buildings and their surroundings. It explains the factors that affect airflow around buildings, such as wind speed, wind direction, terrain roughness, building shape, building orientation, building height, and building spacing. It also provides methods and data for estimating and measuring airflow around buildings, such as wind tunnel testing, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, and field measurements.

Building Envelope

The fifth section of the Ashrae Handbook 2009 edition covers the methods and data for designing and evaluating the building envelope, which is the physical separation between the indoor and outdoor environments of a building. It includes three chapters that address the topics of heat, air, and moisture control in building assemblies. Here are some of the key points from each chapter:

  • Heat, Air, and Moisture Control in Building Assemblies - Fundamentals: This chapter covers the fundamental principles and concepts of heat, air, and moisture (HAM) control in building assemblies, such as walls, roofs, floors, and foundations. It explains the sources and mechanisms of HAM transfer in building assemblies, such as conduction, convection, radiation, diffusion, capillary action, and air leakage. It also provides methods and data for calculating and analyzing the HAM performance of building assemblies, such as steady-state heat transfer analysis, transient heat transfer analysis, hygrothermal analysis, and air leakage analysis.

Heat, Air, and Moisture


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