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The literature in relation to problematic online shopping behaviour is currently limited and most often discussed within the context of broader Internet dependency or addictions (Chen et al., 2004). Sun and Wu (2011) link problematic online buying behaviour to addiction to the Internet itself. They conclude that emotional instability and materialism have positive effects upon Internet addiction, which in turn positively influences impulsive online buying. Materialism and impulsiveness have been linked to technology addiction for example in young people and cell-phone use (Roberts & Pirog, 2012). La Rose and Eastin (2002) found evidence of unregulated online buying amongst college students and evidence for the role of poor self-regulation in influencing this behaviour. They propose that this irrational, lack of control, element of online shopping can be a stronger determinant of online shopping behaviour than rational, economic considerations.
Other studies have focused upon the consequences of OSA such as that by Lo and Harvey (2012) who look at the ways in which compulsive shoppers differ to normal shoppers in terms of their buying process and their emotional responses to the consequences of their buying. The study utilised an experimental design which involved the observation of online shoppers as they performed various shopping tasks such as searching, adding items to the shopping cart and payment. Data was captured both during the shopping process and following the experience which showed distinct differences in compulsive and non-compulsive shoppers. For example compulsive shoppers did not check product information in such detail and were less concerned about over-spending identified by credit card usage. The authors concluded that the compulsive shopper is addicted to the process of shopping itself, experiences cravings to shop but tends to ignore the consequences of satisfying such cravings.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support given to the authors by Professor Mark Griffiths of Nottingham Trent University since their initial interest in the subject of online shopping addiction.
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I am a senior reporter for technology, covering venture capital and startups. I am based out of Forbes' San Francisco bureau, where I previously covered tech billionaires as a wealth reporter, and wrote about artificial intelligence as an assistant editor for technology. I graduated from Duke University, where I spent time as news editor for The Chronicle, the university's independent news organization. Follow me on Twitter at @kenrickcai, on Mastodon at and email me at kcai [at]
I'm a senior editor at Forbes covering venture capital, cloud and startups out of New York. I edit the Midas List, Midas List Europe, Cloud 100 list and 30 Under 30 for VC. I'm a Fortune Magazine and WNYC alum. Previously, I studied medieval history and archaeology at Harvard University. Follow me on Twitter at @alexrkonrad and email me at Securely share tips at