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Waylon Allen
Waylon Allen

Lost Rooms Script (ESP, Fly, Farm And More) 'LINK'

Three weeks after this she began having complications with the peg tube. She began to vomit several times a day. My mom lost so much weight, and most of her strength, but not her faith and trust in Christ Jesus. The more medical challenges she faced, the stronger her confession became that "God will do what he said he will do". As of today's date, my mom has been hospitilized for 23 days. She is now on oxygen, has a drainage bag for for the ascities, and is taking morphine to ease the pain. Family, friends, co-workers, and other believers embrace her with the Love she has displayed and generously given to them over the years. Her hospital room has been used a place of ministry, where you can feel the presence of God, even in this challenging time. Many come to pray and support her, and she in turn prays for and encourages her visitors. Her dream to begin a Cancer Awareness & Christian Support group has already began within the room in the Womens Health Unit of JWMC.(Hope) Helping Others Patiently Endure) Her window is filled with cards of prayers, scriptures, and love, while another window is filled with beatiful flowers. The gyn-Onc Dr has told us that he has done all that he is able to do. At this point my family is making arrangements for my mom to have Hospice. Although we do not know what tomorrow holds, we know who holds tomorrow. Many lives are being touched right now by the ministry of One of Gods Messengers, Elder Vanessa R. Marshall. Even in the face of hardship you will hear her hum or sing "Oh how I loved Jesus..Oh How I love Jesus..Oh How I loved Jesus because he first Loved Me." I cannot say I will not miss my mom, I know I will. We have come a long way in the past 6 years. God has restored a broken relationship and made it into a beautiful centerpiece of the Works of the Masters Hands. We do not look back at what we could have had, but what we are able to enjoy whenever God calls her home. All I can say is that God doesn't make any mistakes. Within are many unanswered questions, maybe to be answered, and maybe not... In this entire ordeal with OVCA I have seen God's mighty hand move in so many ways. I pray for all those who have lost a loved one with this horrible disease. What makes it so horrible is because it is silent, the symptoms can be easily misdiagnosed, and when you find out the dignosis, seldom times, it is already spread. My prayers are with you all. We cannot thank God enough for ALL those who have prayed, supported, encouraged, and embraced my family in this last year. I know God has a special reward for you all. Especially the women of the OVCA Message Board who check-in to be a shoulder to cry on, and to share information that you may not recieve from the doctors. May God bless all the survivors of OVCA, Caretakers, family members, and Onc-Gyn doctors who (those who do)do ALL they can for their patients. We believe that if God doesn't reveal the manifestation of my mother's healing on this side, that we will witness her healing in Glory! She is running the race, fighting a good fight, and she is enduring in grace and with patience. I know she will hear the Master say Vanessa...Well done my good & FAITHFUL servant..Well Done. Please keep us in your prayers.The Brown, Marshall, and Johnson Families

Lost Rooms Script (ESP, Fly, Farm and More)

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I am a 27-year-old nurse from Indianapolis, IN. I work in an area where we tell our patients that if they have any chest pain, go to ER fast. I should have followed my own advice. I thought it was just cramps. I had started my period, and had lots of pain; nothing new, except for the pain and bleeding did not stop. After 3 weeks, I finally saw my family doctor. She ordered an ultrasound, and the cause became clear: a mass of cysts on each ovary. I was sent to a local OB/Gyn for a more thorough exam. She immediately became concerned when I told her I had gone up in one clothing size in 60 days. A pelvic exam, CA 125 and repeat ultrasound were all done, and I was scheduled for an ASAP exploratory laparotomy, and total hysterectomy. A few days later, the CA 125 came back over 800. My OB/Gyn told me that it could have been elevated by something else, so I told myself not to think about it until after surgery. April 20, 2004. I went in for surgery. The last thing I remember was being moved to the operating table. My OB/Gyn helped the staff move me, smiled, and that was all she wrote. I woke up 3 hours later in recovery. After an hour, I was moved to my room. The nurses settled me in, hooked up all my IVs and tubes, and then let my family in. My husband was first to my bed. He came up to the head of the bed and said, "It's bad, stage 4 ovarian cancer." I immediately lost it. "Here I am, 27 years old, and it is over," I thought. Then my husband wiped my eyes, and said, "We are going to fight. You are not giving up on me." I immediately agreed, and vowed to myself and him right there to fight with all my being. The next day, the gyn oncologist that had operated with my OB/Gyn came to see us. He laid out the treatment plan, and told me that his nurse would stop by to see me. I was ready to start the fight right then and there, but I needed to let my body heal a little first. I learned that day that I had two volleyball-sized tumors as well as 3 liters of fluid taking up space in my abdomen. No wonder I had been miserable! Two weeks later, I was healing well, and visiting my gyn oncologist's nurse. She went over EVERYTHING in detail, and gave me prescriptions. She also gave me a ton of reading to do, and let me see my surgical report. I got a glimmer of hope when I saw that the diagnosis was actually stage 3c instead of 4. No evidence of lymph node involvement! I was set up to get a Port A Cath, and start chemo on May 11, 2004. I have had two rounds of Taxol/carboplatin since then. Thanks to this and the supplements I have been taking, my CA 125 is already down to 89. I have had minimal side effects from the chemo, and felt good enough to return to work on June 4, 2004. Every day is a victory for me, and I have learned to see the world with more beauty and vibrance. I take things one day at a time, and enjoy the small things. It is the little things that make all the difference. 041b061a72


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